Own products

Product category: Vehicle-based systems for elimination of EMI disturbances

Contemporary vehicles are equipped with many electronic or electrical systems and elements which may generate electromagnetic disturbances. Engine control systems, drive transmission, communication between components and many others may become a serious problem in ensuring compatibility with specific requirements.

Vehicle-based systems for elimination of EM disturbancs are solutions developed for requirements of applications in order to achieve defined levels of electromagnetic emissions or immunity. During designing of them, variability of components, maintaining of signal integrity and full functionality of the vehicle, with simultaneous reduction of emission levels guaranteeing fulfilment of requirements of such standards as e.g. NO-06-A200, MIL-STD-461, or United Nations Regulation no. 10, are taken into consideration.

These units are created as a result of solving problems with electromagnetic compatibility. Thanks to this, we are able to ensure comprehensive support from definition of requirements and identification of interference sources, through selection of methodology, development of solutions, prototyping, tests in the laboratory assessing effectiveness, to production and post-sale support.

Company details

Radiotechnika Marketing Sp. z o.o.
ul. Fabryczna 20, Pietrzykowice
55-080 Kąty Wrocławskie

NIP: 898-001-68-23
REGON: 930090316
KRS: 0000081342
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