
Kogo szukamy?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.

Poznaj nasze oferty pracy i zostań częścią naszego zespołu

Meet us

Radiotechnika Marketing is a Polish company that combines the climate of the most modern technologies with the stability of a company with a long tradition. We are a recognised manufacturer of innovative complex electronic and mechanical equipment for military and industrial use, designed to operate in the harsh environmental conditions. Thanks to many years of experience and individual approach to customers, we offer modern, reliable solutions customized to their needs.

By participating in various projects, we develop technical competence and ensure the innovation of our products. Radiotechnika Marketing consists of more than 250 professionals who combine their passion with professional work every day. The company is characterised by a way of working that is based on respect for employees and is built on values such as partnership, mutual trust, communication, responsibility and cooperation.

How do we work?

The brand specific of the defence industry and the low-volume production of complex equipment affect the way we work and the skills we need to have in different areas.


In our company, it is not only the results that count, but also the way in which we achieve them.

The way we work is defined by the values that operate in the company and form its organisational culture.

When values are promoted in the company, it means that behaviours and attitudes are promoted:

  • Create a defined ethical attitude
  • Facilitate decision making
  • Influence the way work is done
  • Develop a specific working atmosphere
  • Determine decisions in critical situations
  • Define directions for action and development

See how we understand our values


We build relationships based on the win-win principle.

  • We respect others, their opinions, believes and needs, also the private ones
  • We are open to others, tolerant, and we try to understand them
  • We communicate openly to achieve a common objective and benefit for both parties
  • We are honest and tell each other the truth


We have good intentions and believe in good intentions of others. We show respect and appreciation to ourselves and others.
  • We assume good intentions of others and have good intentions ourselves
  • We clearly specify our needs and expectations, and respond to needs of others
  • We are honest and sincere in our approach to people and actions
  • We have a positive attitude, and we are open and respectful of others
  • We provide support and assistance to others, even if this goes beyond our responsibilities
  • We build our image and trust of others through commitment and reliability in our actions
  • We are emphatic and discreet


We communicate and gather information through dialogue and listening.
  • We adapt the form of communication (e-mail, conversation, meeting) to the type of the case in order to achieve the best effect
  • We formulate messages clearly and precisely, and we address them only to the appropriate people
  • Our messages are friendly, polite and show respect for the recipient
  • We are open to messages from others and willing to share information
  • We are engaged in communication and focus on solutions and agreement
  • We do not disseminate unverified information


We complete tasks from the beginning to the end.
  • We prepare for completion of tasks by planning them to make sure they are realistic and take into consideration needs of others
  • After planning, we identify with any decisions made and accept responsibility for achieving the goal
  • We reliably, sharing knowledge and seeking solutions to problems
  • We meet agreed deadlines and responsibilities
  • We monitor progress of work, inform about risks to achievement of a goal, and we ask for help, if necessary
  • We admit when we are wrong and learn from mistakes


Working together is more effective. All members of the team are important.
  • We work towards a common goal and solve problems together
  • We look not only through the prism of not only our own area, but we are open to arguments and needs of others
  • We listen with respect, we exchange information and share knowledge
  • We are open to changes and flexible in our actions because the environment is changing
  • We select tasks appropriately, based on competence and strengths of individuals and teams
  • We mutually appreciate our actions and share success
  • We support and motivate one another
  • We criticize only constructively, not looking for people to blame but focusing on the cause

Working areas

Our products operate in harsh and demanding environments, which is why they are high quality products, both in terms of the materials used, the technologies employed and the precision of the workmanship.

In this type of production, mass production is not possible and this results in a working method that is not often found in other companies. There are no "simple jobs" here, we base our operations on the skills and awareness of the employees and the implementation process is planned in detail and longer than in most companies.

Learn about specifics of each of the areas

Collaboration with customers

  • in-depth analysis and understanding of customers’ needs requires collaboration at the stage of developing product concepts
  • we participate in development of unique, innovative and technologically advanced solutions
  • we offer solutions of the highest quality for use in harsh conditions and service support after implementation of the application
  • the key skills of the employees in this area are the ability to build long-term relationships and technical knowledge

Research & Development

  • we have an extended R&D department
  • apart from development work, we place great emphasis on research work developing competences needed in current and future projectsh
  • we carry out development work in the field of modern technologies
  • our associated scientific teams and schools benefit from our knowledge and vast experience
  • the employees from this department are engineering enthusiasts who have considerable creative freedom

Supply chain

  • warehouse logistics takes into account the requirements of both manufacturing and distribution operations dystrybucyjnej
  • due to the low-volume nature of production, the purchasing process is rarely based on pre-arranged contracts with suppliers, but rather on sourcing
  • the industry in which we operate imposes high requirements in the process of supplier selection and evaluation
  • significant flexibility in actions is required from Employees of the supply chain, and sourcing demands high negotiation skills and business awareness


  • we do not produce large series, but on the basis of projects that are completed in small series
  • for this reason, the production planning process is extremely dynamic
  • it happens that the time of technological development is very short, sometimes technological documentation is not created because the series is too short or it is a prototype
  • assembly is highly specialized, requiring manual skills and significant competencies in order to execute installation also on the basis of design documentation
  • enormous emphasis is placed on quality of products
  • there are no easy workplaces in our company, the process of training production workers for independent work takes at least a dozen months


  • the highest quality and reliability of our products is an undebatable issue in our company, and the life and health of people often depend on them
  • in our company the quality is built in the system at every stage of development
  • nevertheless, almost 100% of the finished products are subject to quality control
  • we work according to ISO 9001, AQAP, WSK, AS9120, and our EMC laboratory is ISO 17025 and OiB accreditated
  • we expect our employees to act consciously and in accordance with quality management systems.

Departments supporting the organization

  • deal with deliveries of tools and solutions used to improve effectiveness in functioning of the company
  • support building of awareness in actions at each level of the organization
  • support development of the employees
  • a high level of business awareness and the ability to adapt solutions to rapidly changing business requirements are required from the employees of the supporting department

Internships, work placements, working students

Learn more

Working students

We know that there are significant benefits to be gained from combining the acquisition of academic knowledge with practical work experience. That is why we are open to employing students, giving them the opportunity to continue their education and professional development at the same time. We are flexible in terms of the working conditions offered - types of contracts, working hours or schedules to allow for adaptation to changing schedules. By starting a job in Radiotechnika Marketing, you have the opportunity to gain invaluable experience, develop close to professionals with enormous knowledge and experience in the industry. If you are a student and are looking for a place where you can develop your career while continuing your education, Radiotechnika Marketing is the place for you.

How does work of students in RM look like?

When you join RM as a student, you can count on:

  • professional development in any area of work
  • the opportunity to combine study and work and to gain your first professional experience
  • flexibility in term of working conditions – type of contract and working time schedule
  • working schedule that can be modified and adjusted to changing timetable of the university
  • work with professionals with vast experience and practical knowledge in their field, in a dynamically developing organization

Who can be a working student in RM?

  • students of engineering universities and colleges – depending on the department you apply to

What do you need to apply for work in RM as a student?

Work placements and internships

Practical learning of the profession is one of the most essential elements of vocational education. We are convinced that as an entrepreneur we can have real influence on improvement of quality of vocational education in schools with which we cooperate. The training organized by us provides to participants a lot of information about activities of the company and relays reality of work performed by an electronic or mechanical technician or engineer.

Our offer is intended for students from high schools and universities.

What are the internships in RM?

Work placements and internships in Radiotechnika Marketing are a chance for ambitious students looking for interesting professional challenges, ensuring the possibility of gaining experience in such areas as production, or design department..

Internships in RM provide:

  • an opportunity to gain initial professional experience
  • an opportunity to work on short projects rather than large production runs
  • work in an innovative industry, in a dynamically developing organization
  • strong factual support of a training/internship supervisor

Who can be a trainee?

  • students of the last grades and graduates from electronic, mechatronic or computer science vocational high schools
  • students and graduates of electronic and mechanical departments

What can you expect?

In the production department:

  • you will learn international standards and rules regarding manufacture of cable products and electrical & electronic control systems
  • you will independently make some of such products and you will take part in group tasks aimed at manufacturing them
  • we will give you our time and a lot of attention
  • we will teach you many new practical things connected with electronics and we will let you work using professional production tools

In the design department:

  • you will learn the specifics of the designer job
  • we will reveal to you the tricks of the trade in the field of analogue and digital electronics
  • you will learn the principles of standards for the development of documentation
  • you will see the benefits of teamwork when designing new equipment

How does recruitment for internships look like?

  • for vocational high school students, via the school or by applying on the website
  • for university students, via the website

Currently we cooperate with the following high schools:

Elektroniczne Zakłady Naukowe in Wrocław – by accepting students of the Electronic Technician and Mechatronic Technician classes for vocational training

Zespół Szkół Teleinformatycznych i Elektronicznych in Wrocław – by assisting in customization of educational program in the Electronic Technician class to requirements of employers in electronic field and by accepting students for training.

Zespół Szkół Salezjańskich in Wrocław – we took over the patronage over an engineering class educating students in the Electronic Technician job since 2018.

We accept also students from engineering universities, mainly from Politechniki Wrocławskiej(Wrocław University of Science and Technology), for training.

We cooperate closely with PWR Racing Team - a team established by students of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology building race cars which participate in the international Formula Student competition. We support them both with our substantive knowledge, by helping in designing and testing electric drive and by conducting the tests together (e.g. electromagnetic compatibility), as well as by supplying elements necessary for construction of electrical harness.

Holiday work

Work placements and internships are not only the possibility of acquiring the first professional experience, but also a chance for cooperation and development of your competencies in a longer time perspective. We invite the best trainees for paid holiday internships.

TThis is also a chance for us to attract new employees – talented, involved young people, full of passion for engineering, who together with us would like to develop their professional competencies because we inspire them to grow.

Job openings

Learn about our job 
openings and join our team!

Company details

Radiotechnika Marketing Sp. z o.o.
ul. Fabryczna 20, Pietrzykowice
55-080 Kąty Wrocławskie

NIP: 898-001-68-23
REGON: 930090316
KRS: 0000081342
Copryright © 2025 Radiotechnika Marketing

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